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These are the General Terms of Use governing your access and use of The visitor/user must carefully read the terms of use that follow before visiting or using the pages and services and in case of disagreement must not use them, otherwise it is presumed that he/she accepts them and gives his/her consent. The following terms of use apply to all content and to what is generally contained in the pages of the website.

1. Intellectual property rights

The content of this page as a whole is an intellectual property of Melon Media and is covered by national and international Intellectual Property Laws. Every information, image, logo, design, software, audiovisual work or audio clip in Melon Media’s website, constitutes an original intellectual creation and as such it is protected according to the Ν. 2121/1993 law “περί προστασίας της πνευματικής ιδιοκτησίας και άλλων συγγενικών δικαιωμάτων” (in English: “Regarding the protection of intellectual property and other related rights”). Every act of reproduction, distribution, modification or use of any of the above without written permission from Melon Media is strictly prohibited.

2. Liability for third party content

Anything appearing on this webpage that constitutes an intellectual or industrial property of third parties, rests solely with their responsibility. Connecting to other webpages (via links) takes place exclusively in order to facilitate users. Melon Media cannot be held responsible for any direct or indirect user damage, stemming from utilising linking with other webpages or from the use of data and information contained in any similar webpage.

3. Liability Disclaimer

Melon Media is not responsible for any direct or indirect, incidental and consequential damage to users of its webpage, resulting from illegal actions of third parties, spread of viruses when using the webpage or downloading content data, or other problems that may arise while using a computer. Melon Media holds the right to modify its webpage, add, edit and remove any data or information without prior notice. It also holds the right to modify the present terms.

4. The obligations of the users of the website

The public must, on the one hand, comply with the provisions of Greek, European and International Law, and on the other hand refrain from any illegal and abusive behavior during the use of this website.

It is expressly forbidden to use, copy, store, reproduce, republish, transmit, publish, download, translate and modify part or all of the content of the page without the prior written consent of Melon Media and citation of the source. For any use of the content of the page by third parties in an illegal, unfair, false, defamatory and untrue manner, Melon Media bears no responsibility.

By accessing and using this website you hereby understand and fully accept the Terms of Use.